Family Engagement Center
Dear Corley Parents
Our Family Engagement Center has different materials and resources for you to use at home with your children. These resources will help your children to reinforce and improve their academic performance in math, reading, science as well as social studies and will help them to expand their vocabulary. You can take these materials home for a period of two weeks. The Parent Center also hosts parent workshops throughout the whole year. We would like to help you – help your child.
We hope that you will come soon!
Visit The Family Engagement Center
Located in room 1.108 Near the front lobby
Open Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
*Please call in advance to schedule an appointment.
Title I Assistant Principal
Mrs. Booker - email Mrs. Booker
Parent Liaison
Ms. Castillo - email Ms. Castillo
Parent Instructional Coordinator
Anna Elliott - email Ms. Elliott