Counseling Services
- Counseling Services
- Counseling Competencies
- Positive Behavior Intervention Support
- Abuse and Safety Prevention Lesson Topics
Counseling Services
Counseling Competencies
- Kindergarten Competencies
- First Grade Competencies
- Second Grade Competencies
- Third Grade Competencies
- Fourth Grade Competencies
- Fifth Grade Competencies
Kindergarten Competencies
Goal: Academic Development (Standards 1.A., 1.B., 1.C.) |
Learn the importance of using listening skills at all times in school. (KLA_A2005-2) (CE) (LA.K.1) (A:A2.3) |
Follow classroom rules and be able to explain what those rules mean. (EMLA_A2002-2) (KSS_C1998-9) (CE) (A:B1.3) (PS:A2.1) |
Follow spoken directions given in school. (EMLA_A2002-2) (CE) (A:B1.3) |
Cultivate school success by taking responsibility for their actions (self-control). (KPE_D2002-12) (CE) (H.K.11) (A:A3.1) (PS:A1.8) |
Goal: Career Development (Standards 2.A., 2.B., 2.C.) |
Learn about various careers and occupations. (KSS_D1998-14) (CE) (SS.K.8) (C:A1.2) |
Goal: Life Skills (Standards 3.A., 3.B., 3.C.) |
Express feelings appropriately and recognize the connections between thoughts, feelings, and actions (ex. learning anger management skills) (KHE_G2002-8) (CE) (H.K.13) (PS:A1.5) |
Develop positive attitudes towards self as a unique and worthy person. (KSS_C1998-7) (CE) (H.K.10) (PS:A1.1) |
Identify and respect similarities and differences of others. (KHE_G2002-8) (CE) (SS.K.14) (PS:A2.3) |
Explore the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touches. (CE) (H.K.24) (PS:C1.3) |
Identify strategies for stopping inappropriate touches. (KHE_B2002-2) (CE) (H.K.25) (PS:C1.6) (PS:C1.1) |
First Grade Competencies
Goal: Academic Development (Standards 1.A., 1.B., 1.C.) |
Acquire skills to improve learning (ex: on-task behaviors, positive attitude, perseverance) (EMLA_A2002-2) (CE) (A:A2.1) (A:A2.2) |
Use listening skills to follow oral and written directions. (1LA_A2005-4) (1LA_B2005-17) (CE) (A:A1.5) (A:B1.3) |
Accept mistakes as essential to the learning process. (CE) (A:A1.4) |
Learn when and how to ask for help with schoolwork. (CE) (A:A2.3) |
Demonstrate personal responsibility in following rules. (CE) (A:A3.1) |
Goal: Career Development (Standards 2.A., 2.B., 2.C.) |
Explore personal likes and dislikes as they relate to various careers and occupations. (EMLA_A2002-3) (CE) (C:C1.3) |
Goal: Life Skills (Standards 3.A., 3.B., 3.C.) |
Demonstrate respect for oneself as well as others. (CE) (H.1.12) (PS:A2.2) |
Learn about ways to handle disagreements without fighting (conflict resolution). (1HE_G2002-8) (CE) (H.1.8) (PS:B1.6) |
Learn how to make and keep friends. (1HE_G2002-8) (CE) (H.1.11) (PS:A2.8) |
Recognize the difference between the feelings associated with appropriate and inappropriate physical contact. (1HE_B2002-2) (CE) (H.1.25) (PS:C1.3) |
Identify strategies for stopping inappropriate touches including sexual abuse. (1HE_B2002-2) (CE) (H.1.26) (PS:C1.6) (PS:C1.1) |
Second Grade Competencies
Goal: Academic Development (Standards 1.A., 1.B., 1.C.) |
Demonstrate the ability to work independently and cooperatively with other students. (CE) (A:A3.2) |
Practice effective listening skills in order to follow directions. (2HE_G2002-8) (CE) (A:B1.3) |
Follow multi-step directions. (2LA_A2005-3) (CE) (A:B1.3) |
Identify attitudes and behaviors that lead to successful learning (i.e. test-taking skills, work habits). (2HE_G2002-8) (CE) (H.2.12) (A:A1.5) |
Goal: Career Development (Standards 2.A., 2.B., 2.C.) |
Learn connections between education and possible careers and occupations. (EMLB_A2002-15) (CE) (C:B2.1) |
Goal: Life Skills (Standards 3.A., 3.B., 3.C.) |
Learn appropriate decision-making skills. (2SS_B1998-6) (CE) (H.2.11) (PS:B1.1) |
Understand the relationship between behaviors and consequences. (2SS_B1998-6) (CE) (H.2.11) (PS:B1.2) |
Learn conflict resolution skills. (2HE_G2002-8) (CE) (H.2.13) (PS:B1.3) (PS:B1.5) |
Demonstrate ways to show respect for self, others and property. (2HE_G.2002-8) (CE) (H.2.10) (PS:A2.3) (PS:A2.4) |
Recognize the difference between the feelings associated with appropriate and inappropriate physical contact. (CE) (PS:C1.3) |
Examine and practice safety skills including preventing/stopping sexual abuse. (2HE_B2002-2) (CE) (PS:C1.4) (PS:C1.6) |
Third Grade Competencies
Goal: Academic Development (Standards 1.A., 1.B., 1.C.) |
Develop skills to work independently. (CE) (PE.3.9) (A:B1.7) |
Explore effective test-taking strategies and stress management techniques. (3HE_G2002-8) (CE) (H.3.11) (PS:C1.10) |
Follow both written and spoken directions. (3LA_A2005-4) (3LA_B2005-24) (CE) (A:B1.3) |
Practice goal setting, time management, and organizational skills. (CE) (C:A1.6) (A:A2.1) |
Goal: Career Development (Standards 2.A., 2.B., 2.C.) |
Understand the differences among various careers and occupations. (EMLB_A2002-15) (CE) (C:A1.2) (C:B1.7) |
Work cooperatively in small groups to solve problems. (CE) (PE.3.9) (C:A1.4) |
Goal: Life Skills (Standards 3.A., 3.B., 3.C.) |
Apply effective problem-solving skills to make safe and healthy choices. (3HE_E2002-6) (CE) (H.3.3) (PS:C1.7) |
Learn appropriate responses to bullying/harassment. (3HE_E2002-6) (CE) (H.3.3) (H.3.12) (PS:C1.2) |
Identify sources of positive and negative influences (peers, family, community, media). (3HE_E2002-6) (CE) (PS:B1.8) |
Use effective communication skills. (3EMLB_A2002-3) (CE) (H.3.9) (PS:A2.6) |
Develop a healthy self-concept by making positive choices. (3HE_G2009-9) (CE) (H.3.10) (PS:A1.8) |
Examine and practice safety skills including preventing/stopping sexual abuse. (3HE_B2002-2) (CE) (H.3.21) (PS:C1.3) (PS:C1.6) |
Fourth Grade Competencies
Goal: Academic Development (Standards 1.A., 1.B., 1.C.) |
Identify personal strengths and weaknesses to positively influence school performance. (CE) (A:A2.4) (A:A3.3) |
Learn and apply test-taking strategies. (CE) (LA.4.60) (A:B1.3) |
Utilize organizational and time management skills to complete school assignments. (CE) (LA.4.60) (A:A2.1) (C:A2.9) |
Learn and apply goal-setting strategies. (CE) (A:B2.4) (C:A1.6) |
Goal: Career Development (Standards 2.A., 2.B., 2.C.) |
Explore how hobbies and personal interests relate to careers. (EMLB_A2002-15) (CE) (C:A1.8) (C:A1.9) |
Use conflict resolution skills to solve problems effectively. (4HE_F2002-10) (CE) (H.4.10) (C:C2.2) |
Learn how to prioritize time between work and leisure activities. (CE) (C:A1.10) (C:A1.7) |
Goal: Life Skills (Standards 3.A., 3.B., 3.C.) |
Accept responsibility and understand consequences for personal choices. (CE) (H.4.12) (A:A3.1) (PS:B1.2) |
Learn effective strategies related to peer pressure. (4HE_F2002-10) (CE) (H.4.8) (PS:C1.9) (PS:B1.8) |
Identify strategies to cope effectively with personal and classroom difficulties (conflict resolution skills). (4HE_F2002-10) (CE) (H.4.10) (PS:B1.4) |
Recognize and appreciate differences in others (culture, ethnicity, students with disabilities). (4HE_F2002-11) (CE) (H.4.11) (PS:A2.3) (PS:A2.4) |
Summarize and practice safety skills including preventing and stopping sexual abuse. (4H_A2002-1) (CE) (H.4.21) (PS:C1.3) (PS:C1.6) |
Fifth Grade Competencies
Positive Behavior Intervention Support
Corley is a Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) school. We have three expectations students and staff are encouraged to model at all times in our school:
Staff consistently teach, model and reward students for demonstrating these expectations. Students earn PATRIOT POINTS when they are demonstrating our schoolwide expectations. PATRIOT POINTS can be traded in for class rewards, and for participation in school wide PBIS celebrations.
Each month, teachers recognize one student who has modeled the expectation for that month to be the class PBIS Student of the Month. Parents of these students are invited to attend a special recognition event, and students are given certificates and rewards donated by our business partners.
Abuse and Safety Prevention Lesson Topics
Abuse and Safety Prevention
We all share a common goal for our children to be safe and protected from all things harmful. Related to that goal, school counselors are required to present annual personal safety lessons designed to prevent sexual abuse. During the months of January, February, and March our school counselors will offer the Gwinnett County School's sexual abuse prevention and safety lessons to all K-5 students. Topics from previous grade levels may be presented. Specific details are shown below.
All Grades
1) Using Our Built-In Computers-We can program our “built-in computer” to recognize and avoid behaviors and situations that my threaten our person safety. |
2)People are Like the Weather-Like the weather, people’s behavior can suddenly turn scary or dangerous. |
We can take safety measures to protect ourselves from Bad Weather People. |
3) Child Luring-Some Bad Weather People have their own kind of lures (child lures) to trick children into trusting them or going with them.Learning about Child Lures is like having a fire drill – we need to know what to do, just in case. |
4) Laws Help Protect Me-Children have rights, too, including a right to live free of abuse.It is against the law for anyone to touch a child’s bathing suit zone or make the child touch theirs.Anyone, even a family member or a peer, can commit sexual crimes.Children should report abuse or attempted abuse to a trusted adult. |
5) Listening to Our Instincts-Instincts are our inner sirens. They warn us when something is wrong or when we need to be careful.Recognizing, trusting and following our instincts can help to keep us safe from unsafe behaviors and situations. |
6) "What is a “Stranger?”-Most strangers are kind and caring and can be counted on to help children.Strangers who lure children usually act friendly to trick kids into trusting them.We should be alert to behaviors that set off our inner sirens (instincts). |
7) My Dignity-Each of us is unique, special and worthy of respect. Abusing someone is the opposite of treating them with respect. Sexual abuse is never the child’s fault and can never take away a child’s dignity. |
8)Understanding Threats-Some dangerous people use threats and weapons to intimidate children into doing as they say. The threats are rarely real and all threats are against the law. |
Key Concepts
- Kindergarten Topics
- First Grade Topics
- Second Grade Topics
- Third Grade Topics
- Fourth Grade Topics
- Fifth Grade Topics
Kindergarten Topics
First Grade Topics
The Fun & Games Lure
Children should never play games that involve restraints, even if it is supposedly part of a game, stunt, or magic trick. Children should report inappropriate touching to a trusted adult.
The Affection Lure
Most of the time, children are slowly lured into sexual abuse by someone they know and they may not be aware of being lured. Sexual abuse is not real love, it is an act of fake love.
The Assistance Lure
Children should never accept help, offer help, or go with anyone without first getting permission from parents. Stay 3 giant steps away from vehicles.
Second Grade Topics
Third Grade Topics
The Emergency Lure
It is important to stay calm and think clearly during emergencies. Emergencies should be verified by calling or running home. Children should follow their Family Emergency Plan.
The Authority Lure
Some dangerous people pretend to be police or other authority to trick children into doing what they say. It’s OK for a child to disobey authority figures if they tell the to do something that is against the law or makes a child feel scared or in danger.
Fourth Grade Topics
The Job Lure
Children should always check with parents before agreeing to do any chore, job or errand – no matter how small. Parents should know everything about a child’s job: who, what, where, when.
The Ego/Fame Lure
Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian on all talent pursuits and parents must verify the credentials of talent agents. Suspicious “talent scouts” should be reported to the police.
The Online Lure
Children should not keep online activities secret from parents and inappropriate or violent online messages should be reported to parents immediately. Children should never give out personal information online,should not send photos or videos of themselves to people they don’t know,and should never go alone to meet an online acquaintance.